Loan Parameters

We make loans on properties that span the development and ownership cycle, including Pre-Development, Construction, Value-Add and Stabilized. Our portfolio is comprised of loans on all asset types — Office, Multifamily, Hotel, Industrial, Retail, Student Housing, Senior Housing, Self-Storage, Mobile Home Parks and Infill Land Parcels.

  Bridge B-Note Mezzanine Preferred Equity
Minimum Loan $5MM $3MM $3MM $3MM
Maximum Loan $75MM $30MM $50MM $50MM
Maximum LTV/LTC 75% 80% 85% 85%
Collateral Mortgage Sub-Mortgage Pledge + ICA Pledge + Recognition Agmt
Term 1-3 years 1-10 years 1-10 years 1-10 years

Our capital is fully discretionary and allows us to close loans in as little as two weeks. Please contact our investment professionals to learn more about our lending programs.

212 753 5100